96 Cara de Bobo—Mexico City, Where Gabo Read Kafka


96 Cara de Bobo—Mexico City, Where Gabo Read Kafka

Gabriel García Márquez began his writing career in Cartagena, Colombia, but it took him all over the world. I asked a guide there, Duran Duran, to tell me what exactly happened during his exile in Mexico City that made Márquez sequester himself to write his great book One Hundred Years of Solitude ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders. Special thanks to Duran Duran for so meticulously researching Márquez's life and literature to make the tour so satisfying. And special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

K. kept feeling that he had lost himself, or was further away in a strange land than anyone had ever been before, a distant country where even the air was unlike the air at home, where you were likely to stifle in the strangeness of it, yet such were its senseless lures that you could only go on, losing your way even more.
— Franz Kafka


95 The Universal Particular—Dublin, Where James Etched His Heart


95 The Universal Particular—Dublin, Where James Etched His Heart

James Joyce never lived in Dublin again once he left yet poured all he knew of the city into his masterpiece Ulysses. I asked the Friends of the Joyce Tower Society in Sandycove, where the novel begins, just exactly how this self-imposed exile shaped Joyce's art ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders. Special thanks to James Holahan for his wonderful skill at bringing Joyce and Ulysses to life. And special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

A way a lone a last a loved a long.
— James Joyce


94 First Sighting of the Sea—Valparaíso, Where Pablo Brought 2,000 Refugees


94 First Sighting of the Sea—Valparaíso, Where Pablo Brought 2,000 Refugees


Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago, Chile has been preserved as a museum, called La Chascona. I asked Javier Ormeño Bustos to explain how travel shaped the great poet's life ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

You can learn more about the events described in this episode at the following links:

The general context and implications of the Spanish refugees in France: 


A testimony in English by one of the refugees, Elena Castedo:


Some articles of Winnipeg on wikipedia:



A very good site on the Winnipeg, curated by the National Library of Chile:


An article by Neruda himself on the Winnipeg.


My spirit has pass’d in compassion and determination around the whole earth, I have look’d for equals and lovers and found them ready for me in all lands …
— Walt Whitman


93 NGO Hopping—India, Where Mathias Led His Blind Great-Grandfather


93 NGO Hopping—India, Where Mathias Led His Blind Great-Grandfather

Mathias first went with his great-grandfather to India at age 7, but that's only one of the many stories he told me about his travels and how they have fed into all the aid work he does now. I asked where we can find more information about his projects ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

Visit his social media services company at SuperSocial.at.

Visit his social change project at DigitalParticipationCamp.org.

I say friends in the larger sense of the word: persons seen only once or frequented my whole life: provided that between us, at least for a moment, a string stretched, a well-defined thread.
— Primo Levi


92 The Wave and Sea—Europe, Where Eltaj Wants to be a Famous Writer


92 The Wave and Sea—Europe, Where Eltaj Wants to be a Famous Writer

Eltaj left Sudan and crossed the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy, where we met in a small migrant camp at an abandoned train station in Rome. I asked if he wanted to visit the Keats-Shelley House together ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

Sus sueños terminaban frente a ese mar color de ceniza, espumoso y sucio, que no merecía los riesgos y sacrificios de su aventura.
— Gabriel García Márquez


90 Certain Half-Deserted Streets—Amsterdam, Where Ilmari Could Feel Something


90 Certain Half-Deserted Streets—Amsterdam, Where Ilmari Could Feel Something

Ilmari describes himself as an Eskimo with blond hair. We met in the Sahara Desert. I asked if reindeer and the Northern Lights really played a large role in his life growing up in Lapland ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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Shame is thrown aside when one travels.
— Jippensha Ikku


89 One Thousand Degrees of Heat—Merzouga, Where Ilham Fell Down a Sand Dune


89 One Thousand Degrees of Heat—Merzouga, Where Ilham Fell Down a Sand Dune

Ilham did everything she could to live in Marrakesh. I asked how to make lemon saffron chicken tajine ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

This is the Two Year Anniversary of the Observer Effect!

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Follow the curve of the sentence wherever it might lead, into deserts, under drifts of sand.
— Virginia Woolf


87 Asylum—Sweden, Where Ibrahim Is Waiting


87 Asylum—Sweden, Where Ibrahim Is Waiting

Ibrahim escaped Eritrea through the Sahara Desert hidden in the back of a car, crossed the Mediterranean Sea from Libya to Italy crowded into a boat, and now waits in Sweden studying in an old schoolhouse. I asked what language he speaks ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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I didn’t make such an endless journey just to be sent back again now.
— Franz Kafka


86 A Forlorn Émigré—Guantanamo, Where Alanka Can't Talk About


86 A Forlorn Émigré—Guantanamo, Where Alanka Can't Talk About

Alanka could only briefly share a few impressions of Cuba, but the real story is how he and his family got out, and even better what happened in Japan. I asked how these places shaped him ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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All the interest we had felt in the place was gone, and we only wanted to get away.
— John L. Stephens


85 The Tear, the Kick, and L'Abri—Malta, Where Marsh Grew Up


85 The Tear, the Kick, and L'Abri—Malta, Where Marsh Grew Up

Marsh spent decades smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain. We met at L'Abri, a quiet home in the English countryside, where people come to sort out their questions about God. I asked what was the most memorable ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na doine.


83 The Online Student—London, Where Mohammad and I Met Up


83 The Online Student—London, Where Mohammad and I Met Up

Mohammad flew to London from Kuwait while I happened to be there too, so we met in person for the first time and had coffee together. I asked if he likes to travel ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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It is only when you meet someone from a different culture from yourself that you begin to realise what your own beliefs really are.
— George Orwell


82 The Good Host—Fügen, Where Eliska Runs Haus Sonneneck


82 The Good Host—Fügen, Where Eliska Runs Haus Sonneneck

Eliska realized her dream of living in the mountains year after year, and the result is one of the best Airbnb locales in the world. I asked what effect meeting so many fascinating travelers has had on her ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

Visit Haus Sonneneck→

Listen to Orry in Episode 30→

Listen to Hitoshi in Episode 32→

Listen to Amin in Episode 55→

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The good host is not merely polite to the guest—the good host assumes that the guest has stories to tell.
— Parker Palmer


81 The Hipster Doctor—Russia, Where Onur Camped for the First and Last Time


81 The Hipster Doctor—Russia, Where Onur Camped for the First and Last Time

Onur had a lot to say about his appearance that I lost when I deleted the first part of our conversation in another "slight" episode. I asked why he came to Belize ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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Now I must bore you with certain abstract things, but I hope you will listen patiently to them.
— Vincent Van Gogh


79 El Payaso—Argentina, Where Camiseta Worked for Five Minutes


79 El Payaso—Argentina, Where Camiseta Worked for Five Minutes

Camiseta plays accordion in Buenos Aires every weekend. This is the first of a series of "slight" episodes, encounters I recorded that may not warrant a full treatment but deserve to be heard nonetheless—or seen in this case. Click the link below to watch a video version of Camiseta with subtitles on our Facebook page. I asked whether he travels a lot ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

Watch the subtitled video of Camiseta→

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Globalization has a way of tinting its holdouts in a romantic glow.
— Stephen Metcalf


78 The Scrumptious Simoom—Bethlehem, Where Flic Sheltered at an Inn


78 The Scrumptious Simoom—Bethlehem, Where Flic Sheltered at an Inn

Flic had nowhere to sleep when a sandstorm overtook her in Bethlehem. I asked what it was like living in China ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders.  Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

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It is required of [everyone] that the spirit within them should walk abroad among [their] fellow [people], and travel far and wide.
— Charles Dickens


76 A Collection of Homes—Oman, Where Carina Started a Journey through Ash


76 A Collection of Homes—Oman, Where Carina Started a Journey through Ash

Carina hosts Easy German on Youtube, but that's actually only a small part of her and her husband Janusz's larger story. I asked whether the majority of Germans felt remorse after World War II ... and hope listening like this evaporates borders. Special thanks to the musician, Dana Boulé.

Visit Easy German on Youtube→  

Visit The Global Experience→

Life Back Home→

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The pathway leading to their homes was not clear.
— The Popol Vuh
